Blends of Mushrooms Are Powerful: Agaricus Blazei

Did you know that blends of mushrooms are more powerful than any one mushroom alone?
Utilizing a blend of several mushroom species is a therapeutically superior solution to using just one – “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” For one thing, it is easier for pathogens in your body to adapt and become resistant to one mushroom than it is to several. Secondly, each mushroom species has a unique arsenal of anti-infective and immuno-modulating agents.
These special agents include: • Polysaccharides • Ergosterols • Glycoproteins • Triterpenoids
Did you know that Waiora’s MegaDefense includes six “life-changing” mushrooms?
- Agaricus Blazei
- Cordyceps Sinensis
- Grifola Frondosa
- Ganoderma Lucidum
- Coriolus Versicolor
- Lentinula Edodes
Mushrooms contain some of the world’s most potent natural medicines.
A carefully designed blend of medicinal fungi can deliver a powerful therapeutic punch, whether you want to help protect yourself from seasonal colds or flu, or you have a more serious condition. Either way, these special mushrooms can be an excellent addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle to improve your immune health.
Waiora’s MegaDefense combines the proprietary and exclusive IM6 Full Spectrum Immune Complex with the NCD Activated Zeolite from our premier natural detoxifier Natural Cellular Defense. IM6 Full Spectrum Immune Complex features six, all organic, non-GMO medicinal mushroom species: Agaricus Blazei, Cordyceps Sinensis, Grifola Frondosa, Ganoderma Lucidum, Coriolus Versicolor and Lentinula Edodes.
“The Mushroom of Life”
One miraculous fungi included in MegaDefense is the Agaricus Blazei. This mushroom is commonly known as the “mushroom of life” or “God’s mushroom.”
Perhaps it is known as the mushroom of life because of its remarkable anti-cancer properties related to six special polysaccharides. The Agaricus Blazei is also often used to aid in the treatment of type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, ongoing liver disease, bloodstream disorders and digestive problems. Other uses include prevention of heart disease, osteoporosis and stomach ulcers.
Like many other medicinal mushroom, another benefit of this “life-changing” mushroom is how positively it boosts the immune system.
Adding mushrooms to your diet is a simple way to boost your health!
“I had a nagging cough for more than a year. You know the kind… It’s the one that lingers after a cold goes away. Not that I had a cold, but I did have the cough. It was so annoying that it was difficult for me to speak on the phone without coughing. Well, with MegaDefense I just increased my dose from 2 capsules per day to 6 capsules per day. After a week, the cough nearly completely disappeared. I was able to go back to a maintenance dose of 4 caps per day and kept the cough away.” — Rosemary L.