Since its launch, MegaDefense has been met with rave reviews. From testimonials on conference calls to daily posts on the MegaD Facebook page, Members and Customers alike are blown away by the incredible benefits of this one-of-a-kind product.
Here are some of the testimonials we’ve seen:
“After having surgery in April twice, and being diagnosed with two advanced staged 4 deadly disease, MD became available. Amazingly, just 8 weeks later when they took my Ca125, it was 10, while at 35 to 40 they start looking for disease 10 was nothing short of a miracle. And the Ca19 test result was 1 while results below 7.5 are considered no visible signs. The cat scan was clear which was absolutely amazing. I did not have any radiation or chemical treatments what so ever. So MD, NCD and me are locked on for life.” ~Marcy L.
“My mother in law has diabetes, she is 83 years old and was taking insulin four to five times a day. We started her on NCD and now MegaD. She is down to taking insulin 0-1 times a day. Thank you Waiora, NCD and MegaD.” ~William E.
“I have lived my entire life in the sun teaching swimming lessons every summer and lifeguarding as a kid. Needless to say, I have exposed my skin to a lot of sun and love the water and sun. Of course, I am seeing some “sun spots”, and among other jobs, I am an aesthetician. One spot on my left forearm was becoming a concern. I decided to open a capsule of MegaD and put in a shot glass. I put a little water on the spot and dabbed on some MegaD making a paste. I continued this treatment for a few weeks trying to remember to apply a couple of times a day. The skin went through a healing process and nowlooks normal. I was truly amazed and really feel that MegaD turned the “sun spot” into healthy skin again. Totally awesome.” ~Jan W.
“Strep throat has spread on our college campus very rapidly. I had white nodules in the back of my mouth and an extremely sore throat along with severe congestion. I was so desperate for relief that I made an appointment with the campus clinic to go in, get looked at and get a prescription for an antibiotic. Before I could go in, I received my Mega Defense and started on 4 to 6 capsules per day right away. To my amazement, by the next day I was starting to feel better. Within 48 to 50 hours of taking Mega Defense, my symptoms of sore throat and white nodules were all but gone. I’ll take this product daily for the rest of my life!” ~Charity J.
“On May 25th a friend of mine was given a grim diagnosis. On June 13th he started taking MegaDefense and NCD. He had a CT scan on July 25th and the doctor told him that the tumor in his pancreas had stopped growing and had stabilized. He said wait a minute, if it used to be that big and now it’s this big that means it shrunk. He was extremely excited by the news since the only thing he had been taking is MD and NCD, they hadn’t started any chemical treatments yet. It’s extremely rewarding to be involved with products of this magnitude and hearing results like this!” ~Susan J.
“After taking MegaD, my sores on my lower lip disappeared. I like that its in a capsule and its easy to take without food.” ~Noreen H.
“I started taking MegaD a few weeks ago. I have noticed that my allergies have not been as severe as they have in the past and the joint pain I have from years of manual labor is starting to go away. I do not know what exactly is in the MegaD, but I can say that whatever it is, is doing wonders on my body. On my way to better health and helping others to better their health as well. Thanks MegaD!!” ~ Chris F.
As most of you know, my youngest has allergies. Something triggered his food allergies Sunday to where he developed a rash all over his legs and upper torso, as if he ate seafood. They were raised, red patches, and itchy. Pre-Waiora, he would have to take Benadryl and/or Zyrtec for a good week, which he hasn’t been taking for a good year to reduce the inflammation and itch. It would take a couple of days to clear. However, yesterday, I gave him 1 capsule of MegaD. His skin cleared within an hour. I firmly believe that the NCD/Agari keeps his allergies away, and healthy, but there is that one incident, like Sunday, which we still don’t now how but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that after having 1 MD, his skin cleared. WE WILL NEVER BE WITHOUT!” ~Antoinette T.
“I have started brushing my teeth with MegaDefense. Open a MegaDefense capsule and pour half on the toothbrush, half in the glass. After brushing thoroughly and swallowing, I take the glass and swoosh the contents around to let my whole mouth get immersed with MegaDefense. I then swallow, of course. It tastes of mushroom soup. It’s GOOD! Flouride tastes of peppermint. I prefer mushroom to that. BONUS: My wife is positive that my teeth are becoming whiter, and that is good news for a steadfast tea drinker like me.” ~Anders H.
“My mom, who is a premier in Waiora, has had eye issues for years. In the few last years,s he has had laser surgery on both eyes, but her right eye has a condition called Fulks dystrophy (a weakening of her eye that doesn’t allow her to focus very well, let alone drive any great distances.) After being on MegaDefense for just 4 days, (2 capsules a day), she told me that today she could see better, drive with no reservations and she even enjoyed church more today because she could see the Pastor clearly!! She sees her optometrist on Thursday and she can’t wait to tell him the news!! She didn’t need any prescription. She only needed MegaDefense!!!” ~Kevin F.
“I have been taking MegaDefense for a while now. Before that I took both NCD and AgariGold. I have never felt so complete and strong – both mentally and physically before! I am never going to stop taking Waiora’s products.” ~Birgitta B.
“My MegaDefense story is with my daughter who is now 35 years old. When she was a freshman in college, she got mono. Ever since then her immune system has been challenged. It never failed if something was going around she got it. Needless to say, when Mega D was introduced in May, our daughter was one of the first we shared it with. Remarkably, she has not been sick once so far since taking it. It fits into her lifestyle! Our daughter is a mother of two young children and owner of a dance studio, so around kids all the time. It is wonderful that she now has Mega Defense to support her immune system and keep her going!” ~Elaine G.
“I am allergic to pollen, animal hair, dust, grass, etc. Basically, if there is a change in my environment, I have an allergic reaction which includes, runny nose, constant sneezing, and itchy/watery eyes. The month before I started taking MegaDefense, I was taking 2-4 Benadryl everyday! I took MegaDefense for almost two weeks, experienced zero allergic reactions, and haven’t taken Benadryl once! Thank you for introducing me to this product.” ~Tori D., TN
“Every year about this time I get a terrible sinus infection that very quickly moves to my chest creating a terrible whooping type of cough. Last year it took almost 6 weeks to completely get over it. This year it hit me very quickly while traveling for Thanksgiving and the very first day went to my chest and created this terrible cough. I had to sleep sitting up in the recliner to keep from coughing. I started taking NCD and MegaDefense very aggressively. I took 8 MegaDefense a day for 2 days along with additional NCD and my cough was gone on the second day and by the third day I was back to normal. MegaDefense is an incredible product.” ~L. Dillon
“I have suffered from debilitating panic attacks since I was 17 years old. There were points in time that my anxiety became so intense that I feared the very thought of leaving my own home. I lost my job, the ability to drive, and strained relationships with close friends and family members who just didn’t understand. Despite the daily frustration and confusion I did what most people in my condition do, I followed my doctor’s orders and took high doses of anti depressants and anti anxiety medication. With this safety net I was able to push through many of my fears, but never truly overcome them. I was also hit with an enormous amount of side affects that often made me wonder if I was doing more harm to my body than good. After much skepticism I decided to take an alternative route and DETOX my body, with hopes that I could regain mental clarity and overcome the physical symptoms associated with panic disorder. After ONE WEEK of taking a combination of NCD and MegaD, the fuzzy feeling in my head was gone. Slowly but surely I could feel my everyday nervousness subsiding. After one month I was shopping, driving, socializing, living life as normal as I can remember it ever being. I completely and totally attribute my personal successes to Waiora’s MegaD and NCD. It has brought more than balance to my life, and I will never go a day without it again. For the first time in a long time I am looking forward to my future!” ~Laura G
“My father who is 89 years old has suffered many health setbacks including congestive heart failure and two strokes and two open heart surgeries so his immune system is very weak. Just last week he caught the flu. Last year when had the flu, he spent 10 days in the hospital and 3 weeks in a convalescent home. Every fall we dread the flu season. However, he has been on Waiora’s Mega Defense since June, so we increased his dose and the flu only lasted 3 days! No pneumonia, no trips to the hospital.” ~Suraya G.
“On May 25th a friend of mine was given a grim diagnosis. On June 13th he started taking crisis dose of MegaDefense and NCD. He had a CT scan on July 25th and the doctor told him that the tumor in his pancreas had stopped growing and had stabilized. The doctor told him it used to be ‘that big’ and now it’s ‘this big’ so it’s stabilized. He said wait a minute, if it used to be that big and now it’s this big that means it shrunk. The doctor said, “You are correct, it did shrink.” He was extremely excited by the news since the only thing he had been taking is MD and NCD, they hadn’t started any chemical treatments yet. It’s extremely rewarding to be involved with products of this magnitude and hearing results like this! …and this is only the beginning!!” ~Susan J.
“We have been using and introducing others to NCD and AgariGold for many years. It was exciting to read about the synergy between the two when NCD is combined with the more potent form of Agaricus in the MegaDefense capsules. We live in Europe so we did not get any immediately, but when we read a testimonial about the impact of MegaDefense on allergies we had to try it. My wife, Kimiyo, has a long history of battling with pollen allergies. We live on the coast where the grass and tree pollen does not have as much impact on her. But the very first time she tried a capsule she felt an immediate difference. Her system is very sensitive to air quality, and it was like suddenly moving into clean air for her. Soon after she was working with a therapist who was testing her for the suitability of various supplements that she had been taking. MegaDefense gave an immediate 10 out of 10 score – even though the therapist had never come across it before. She was amazed. And Kimiyo continues to feel a very clear difference!” ~Richard M.
“I run a daycare facility and have been exposed to EVERYTHING you can think of this winter. Guess what?…I have stayed healthy through it all…thanks to MegaDefense,with its blend of mushrooms and zeolite combo!!” ~Shelia D.
”Last week, one of my co-workers and my son got sick with bad colds. I immediately started doubling my MegaDefense. My girlfriend and I watched our neighbor’s kids who were sick with bronchitis. I continued taking MegaDefense but my girlfriend did not take any. Within 2 days, My girlfriend got sick, however I stayed healthy. It’s been a week now, and I still have not gotten sick while my girlfriend while my girlfriend had to go to the doctors to get medication to help rid herself of Bronchitis. Just had to let you know how great MegaDefense is.” ~Joe L.
”Besides the fact that she no longer needs to use medicine for the rheumatoid issue with her joint, my sister told me her doctor recently informed her she is no longer has the diagnosis of osteo issue with her bones. She had tried different supplements before and nothing worked to make her bone more dense. Amazing! Nothing takes out heavy metals like NCD! Healthy Aging Formula and MegaDefense are absolutely wonderful!” ~Sukwah L.
”I recently developed a terrible case of Eczema on my neck, chest and arms with intolerable itching and burning. I tried using over the counter preparations and even nutritional products……but Nothing Worked! NCD was recommended to me, and I started using 10 drops 3 times a day, and drank plenty of water throughout the day. To my surprise, the rash started going away. Today is day 7 of using the NCD and the rash is almost completely gone…along with the itching and burning. Having had such great success with NCD, I’ve also started using the MegaDefense. The products really do work, and I’m looking forward to even greater results.” ~Tracy
And we haven’t even begun to scratch the surface of the MegaDefense stories that are out there. If you have product story you want to share, then we want to hear it.
Drop us an email at testimonials@megadsupport.com